S8:EP7 | Samson Yung Abu: The Student Exam Passport | Daily Spark TV

January 24, 2021

 While education might be the door to success, the exam is the key to that door.”

The Exam Passport is perhaps one of the most important books written in the twenty-first century in academic history. Globally, the Exam Passport is a study guide written like never before. Beginning with a revelation of what an exam is and its impact, the Exam Passport cleverly sets out the significant importance of exam-taking in our current educational system around the world. 

The Exam Passport is a study guide that is laid out in a way that makes study and revision more urgent, more entertaining, easier to follow, more thoroughly engaging, and a little more philosophical and novel-like. It is embedded with a real-life scenario and outlines common errors during an exam that all students can associate with.

You can pick up a copy on Amazon. or purchase at Walmart


The author has an undergraduate degree in law & criminology, a postgraduate degree in general law, a law school in Berlin certificate, and an MSc degree in psychology. Over the years, the author has lived and studied in three different countries. The author’s other books consist of My Student Pledge Journal, and Student Little Quote Book. In addition, the author has designed a study notebook for effective revision ‘Exam Revision Note-book’.

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