
Advocate for those with Disabilities: Paradigm Shift Consulting Group LLC

January 04, 2023

Join me as I talk with the Founder of Paradigm Shift LLC, Julia Brooks


Paradigm Shift Consulting Group LLC: Outstanding Experience Mission Statement: Advocate, Educate, Empower.


Our team advocates as a supported voice for the rights of children and adults with disabilities along side of parents and caregivers. We partner with them to promote equal access to student education and prepare them through educational and community services. We educate families on the intricacies of the systems to identify, plan, engage and measure the outcomes of established goals. We empower each person to set goals and monitor his or her growth as we team with service providers, therapists and other professionals with collaborative opportunities to break through barriers to learning and academic competence in addition to addressing real life applications across environments in the home, school and the community.               


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